Our first batch of shipment containing 1,126 water filters is now on it’s way to Mactan International Airport via Tiger Airlines.
PROJECT BUDGET: €150,000 ($200,000 USD)
NUMBER OF PEOPLE REACHED: 50,000 (3 Euro / person)
1. ElmerFrancisco.org – Philippines
2. Connect International – The Netherlands
3. Safe Water International – USA
4. Rotary eClub of One World – USA
5. Basic Water Needs – India
GOAL: Immediate and Sustainable safe drinking water for
families in the Philippines struck by Typhoon Haiyan.
Based on the request from Rotary in the Philippines, the US-based organization, Safe Water International (SWI) and the Netherlands based organization—Connect International (CI) began shipping safe water filters to The Philippines. Initial funds were raised in the U.S. and the Netherlands and 1200 Household water filters are on route to Cebu City Philippines for distribution to typhoon victims. The objective is to expand this to a total of 10,000 water fi lters including 10,000 replacement fi lter elements. With this
combination families can filter 14.000 litres of water which is for 2 to 3 years.
The organization CI will guide this project via specialists like Henk Holtslag and Tom de Veer, supported by Larry Siegel of SWI and a Rotarian in the USA. In the Philippines the project will be guided by Rotarian Elmer Francisco#ElmerFranciscoOrg who is coordinating response with a team of Rotarians.
The effort includes training in use and maintenance of the fi lters. Also, a local supply chain of fi lters will be started so families can get spare parts and replacement fi lters in the future.
This will be achieved by training in local assembly of Tabletop water fi lters. The trained people will also function as a knowledge center for water puri cation. In this way there will be a sustainable supply leading to long-term availability of water puri cation products.
Treatment of water at the household level is one of the most eff ective options to safe drinking water and avoid diseases like Cholera. The Tulip Siphon and Tabletop household filters as developed in the Netherlands and now produced by Basic Water Needs India are one of the most aff ordable fi lters available and are now in use by over 1 million people in some 20 countries. They are tested by certi ed water laboratories and distributed by UNICEF, Red Cross and other disaster response organizations.
In conclusion, the project will lead to:
1. Immediate response to the drinking water needs of 50,000 people
2. Sustainable availability of water treatment products for many more people
3. Creation of local entrepreneurship and stimulation of the local economy